Need a pair of customized pair of suits for an upcoming event or a personalized wardrobe?
Let’s shop together! We will help you get the best style that blends with your personality.
You don’t have to spend hours mix-in-matching, mall hopping, or online browsing. We will show you where to shop for the best deal and save some pennies. Be my best buddy when it comes to fashion and style, with my guidance you’ll never regret what you bought. Our shopping will cover head-to-toe clothing and accessories.
Our hourly package includes the line-up of the wardrobe, with suggestions on how to use the pieces and match them together. The actual shopping trip lasts 2-3 hours. This covers the entire seasonal wardrobe. Shopping trips usually take place at Great Lakes Crossing in Michigan or Devonshire Mall.
Just tell me your budget and we will work around it without compromising style. If you have some questions, we are glad to assist you in any way. Fill-out the information detail below and we will call you within 24 hours.